
How does reflexology work?       Refelxology Taster Price £10 /15 minutes

Reflexology is based on the ancient Chinese theory that energy is flowing all around our bodies. If the energy can flow freely then we are balanced and healthy. If the energy is obstructed, illness may result. This method has been used for several thousands of years and is known to have been practised in a similar manner by the Chinese and the Egyptians.

What is reflexology?

Reflexology is a form of “alternative” or “complementary” therapy and involves a method of using massage to reflex areas found in the feet and the hands. Most commonly, the feet are used as the areas to be treated.

In the feet, there are reflex areas corresponding to all the parts of the body. These areas are arranged in a way as to form a map of the body in the feet with the right foot corresponding to the right side of the body and the left foot corresponding to the left side of the body. By having the whole body represented in the feet, the method offers a means of treating the whole body and of treating the body as a whole. This is an important factor of a natural therapy and allows not only symptoms to e treated but also the causes of symptoms.

Reflexology does not claim to be a “cure-all” but numerous different disorders have been successfully treated by this method. Disorders include such things as migraine, sinus problems, hormonal imbalances, breathing disorders, digestive problems, circulatory problems, back problems and tension and stress.

Research has shown the specific techniques of reflexology to be effective and beneficial in many ways:

  • Creates relaxation
  • Reduces pain
  • Improves blood flow
  • Benefits mental health
  • Complements cancer care
  • Eases pregnancy: women who received reflexology experienced shorter labour times and used less analgesia. In addition, reflexology showed a positive impact on depression, anxiety, urination and bowel movements.

Reflexology is a complement to standard medical care. It should not be construed as medical advice. It should not be a replacement to medical help. Please use it wisely.


What to expect from reflexology treatment?

When first visiting a reflexology practitioner, a full medical history will be taken. The patient will be seated properly and asked to remove the shoes and socks. Examining the feet required before commencing with the precise massage movement. The massage involved a firm pressure using the side and end of the thumb. All areas on both feet will be massaged.

Areas corresponding to parts of the body which are out of balance will feel uncomfortable or tender when massaged and the degree of tenderness will indicate the degree of imbalance. The sensitivity of the feet varies from person to person and the trained practitioner will understand the correct pressure to apply and how to interpret the tenderness feel. The massage should not be very uncomfortable to even the most sensitive of feet. The full treatment session will last approximately three-quarters of an hour and at the end of a session the feet should feel warm and the patient relaxed.

The number of treatment sessions required will vary depending on the condition being treated. Following treatment, it is sometimes possible that the eliminating system of the body become more active in order to rid the body of unwanted toxic matter. Regular reflexology treatment will maintain the body in good health.
